Commitment reliability

This metric supports the evaluation of the variance between committed effort and acceptation rate given by the Product Owner . Upper and lower targets may be established to take actions if deviations are below the expectations of the parent organization. Changes to the "Definition of done" or more exhaustive testing could help reducing this variance.

  • Download this Chart

    • Hints!

    • Green Zone
      The minimum variance percentage accepted to reach the safe zone. 94% could be a reasonable number to start by.
    • Yellow Zone
      The minimum variance percentage accepted to reach the Warning zone. 84% could be a reasonable number to start by.
    • Adding Iterations
      Provide the effort commitment for a given iteration and the accepted effort by the end of it.
    • Now go and try it!

    Create your chart

    Green zone target is required. Min value is 1 / Max value is 100.
    Amber zone target is required. Min value is 1 / Max value is 100.
    Required. Min value is 1 / Max value is 10000000.
    Required. Min value is 0 / Max value is 10000000.